Goldendoodle Growth

One question frequently on a new puppy owner’s mind is: how big will my goldendoodle puppy be? Predicting the mature size of a puppy is by no means an exact science, especially with a hybrid breed like the goldendoodle. But that doesn’t mean that predicting the adult size of your goldendoodle puppy is a complete mystery.


At eight weeks it’s difficult to tell which puppy in the litter will be the biggest. From birth until the gotchya day, puppies have fluctuated back and forth in terms of who weighs the most. Generally, the smallest puppy at 8 weeks will stay the smallest and the biggest puppy at eight weeks will stay the biggest, but that’s not always the case. The older the goldendoodle puppy, the more accurately you’ll be able to estimate its adult weight.

Even though adult weight is a bit of a guess for a young puppy, expect mini goldendoodles to weigh 4lbs-9lbs at 8 weeks of age. A standard will likely weigh 9+ pounds at 8 weeks old and a medium will probably fall somewhere in the 8-10lb range. A medium puppy and standard puppy may both weigh 9lbs at 8 weeks old, but the standard puppy with gain weight at a quicker rate than the medium. For a rough estimate of adult weight for your mini F1b goldendoodle, multiple your pup’s 8 week weight by 4.3.

Like most dog breeds, goldendoodles generally do the majority of their growing in the first six months of life. In fact, many mini goldendoodle puppies reach half of their adult weight by four months. Standard goldendoodles may take a month or so longer to reach that halfway mark. The larger the dog, the longer growing takes. For mini goldendoodles, expect the weight to start leveling off between 7-10 months of age. Standard goldendoodles, like other large dog breeds, will grow for a longer period of time. A general estimate for standards is: multiply your puppy’s weight at 4 months by 2 and add 5-10lbs. While this rule may work for many standards, it is not accurate with smaller-sized goldendoodles who finish growing at a younger age.


Dogs can finish growing anywhere between 1-2 years of age, but generally reach their maximum height by a year of age and spend the remaining months filling out. This means your dog might hit a growth spurt right after her first birthday – she might not get any taller but she could thicken up. Golden retrievers grow at a slower rate in terms of height than standard poodles, but fill out more quickly. Golden retrievers tend to finish growing and filling out between 14-18 months while standard poodles can take up to 2 years to accomplish the same. If a puppy measures less than 1′ (at the withers) at eight weeks, it will likely be less than 2.25′ tall full grown. The tricky part about goldendoodles is that they’re a hybrid breed. It’s impossible to predict which parent a goldendoodle will take after in terms of its growth pattern. Established breeds generally reproduce naturally, whereas first-generation mini goldendoodles require artificial insemination. The growth curve of F1 puppies resulting from a 60lb mom and a 10lb dad hasn’t been thoroughly studied. Subsequent generations of hybrid breeds (i.e. F1b, F2b, etc.) can grow to be larger than either parent though due to the size of the golden retriever grandparent. F1b goldendoodles can potentially have a slightly more predictable size range if the parents are similar sizes. Our 19lb F1 goldendoodle and 24lb poodle produce F1b mini goldendoodle puppies ranging in weight from 15-30lbs as adults.


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